First aid

When physical, sexual, psychological or economic violence in the family it is always about injustice against which you can defend yourself. Every form of violence , therefore, among family members in Slovakia is criminal!

How to proceed?

Nobody is obliged to endure violence from a partner.  The fault is always on the side of the agressor, not the victim’s side! The victim should not be ashamed. Almost always the first acts of violence is only the beginning. Do not trust your partner when he says that he will change.

Once you become a victim of domestic violence, don’t  be shy, don’t lose courage. Deal with it immediately and do not underestimate the situation. Get help and support. The first step is usually the hardest , but remember that every situation can be resolved.

If you have decided to stop the violence , our recommendations could help you: 

  • Try to stop the violence from the outset , while you still have enough forces.
  • If you can’t stop the violence by yourself, seek immediate assistance from experts – lawyers, doctors , police, crisis centers or organizations to help the victims!
  • In case of acute danger, call the police immediately ( tel . No. 112).
  • If you are attacked during a emergancy call, do not hang and cry! After police arrives, go with them to another room so you can talk to them without interruption.
  • Do not clean your house immediately after attack – evidence (broken glass , torn hair , torn clothes..) – if it’s possible collect everything in a plastic bags and give it to the police as evidence. If you have the opportunity to photograph the crime scene, do so.  Print the pictures with the date an also time. Find out the names an d numbers of police officers who came to you and who investigated the incident .
  • If you have any health or psychological problems, or if you are injured (even if it is „only“ a bruise), seek medical attention immediately. Don’t forget to ask for a medical report.
  • Medical records can later help you in the divorce, in the court of entrusting the children to your care or to prosecute the perpetrator.
  • Tell about your situation to other people – a friend or someone from your family to whom you trust. Ask them for support.
  • If you decide to leave, prepare a safety plan so you don’t compromise yourself or your children. If it’s possible,do not leave without your children, it would be difficult to get them back. Don’t be affraid it’s not a the kidnapping. You have the right to take them with you.
  • Do not deny the truth about violence, tell the truth to your children, make them understand.
  • Educate your children, and find a safe place for them somewhere in your  or neighbour’s house where they can seek a help. Instruct them that their task is to stay safe and not to protect you.
  • If possible, arrange ahead a safe place where you can stay for some time. (parents, relatives, acquaintances, or an asylum house..)
  • Plan the safest time to escape.
  • Keep a numbers of acquaintances, relatives or asylum home with you so you can turn for help if needed.  (be careful so your partner do not find out)
  • Prepare the basic things which you can need when escaping and leave them to a friend you can believe . (spare keys, medications, medical records, important documents or some clothes..)

Here’s a list of things that you should take with you  if you decide to leave:

– ID card/ passport

– cash/ credit card

– insurance card

– birth certificate

– marriage certificate

– important documents as a tenancy agreement

– certificate/ indenture

–  house keys/ car keys

Don’t forget things for your children:

– papers

– birth certificate

–  insurance card

– favourite toy

– school things

– certificate of vaccination