
Our long term goal is a change in attitudes towards violence against women and to improve support for victims of violence.
That’s why we try to:
–   point out to the seriousness of the issue of domestic violence and to uphold the law dealing with domestic violence
–  educate all those (police officers, doctors, social workers..etc.) who come in contact with victims and survivors how to be most helpful to them.
–  to improve communication between helping institutions, police department, authorities, courts and many others.

Social counseling/ social help

Our social workers in the social program carry out socio- legal consultancy, which focuses on the early resolution of the problem of client.  At the same time we provide the following services :


Legal advice

– drawing up various legal proposals (an application for divorce, precautionary measures, criminal complaint etc. )

–  preparation of clients for police interviews and in the courts


Social advice

– planning and implementing steps which are necessary to solve the problem

– finding scope, nature and causes of social need and providing information on possible solutions and guiding clients in selecting and applying forms of social assistance.


Crisis intervention

– stabilization client

– planning and implementation of immediate action, searching options and sources of support

– provide a temporary safe accommodation



– helping to create various documents

– intervention in the district offices and other institutions

– accompanying clients to court hearings

– personal assistance and intervention in clients‘ homes

– ensuring safe accomodation for clients


We also cooperate  Counseling and psychological services center, Social service facilities, Diagnostic Center, Health center, foster family, NGOs and many others.

We also work as an outpatient . People who do not necessarily want asylum accommodation, but advice or support can also turn to us for help.


Psychotherapy and Diagnostics

Domestic violence includes not only physical but also psychological or sexual abuse. Experienced or seen violence, especially if it’s a close relative it’s so heavy and dramatic experience that affects the whole human personality – self confidence,  integrity, relationships with others and the ability to live their own lives or take care of children.  Problems are also indispensable for long-term family conflicts especially before divorce , and after divorce disputes about children who are hit hard by this situation.



The aim of the diagnostic work is to identify problems of individual clients who have experienced domestic violence firsthand the need for crisis intervention and psychotherapy.  An important measure is the planning and implementation of immediate action , search capabilities and support resources. As next step there is psychotherapeutic work with victims of domestic violence , which is undertaken in a wide shot from crisis intervention over the short and long term individual therapy , relaxation, to group or family therapy. The work of psychologists also includes support for mother – child relationship and involvement of another family members  respectively supporting the wh ole family system .